“It takes a village” Supporting families impacted by parental mental illness and other adversities
2.5hr interactive face to face workshop for organisational and sector leaders
This two and a half hour workshop seeks to highlight the needs and experiences of children and families impacted by parental mental illness and other adversities. It is with the understanding that children and families who experience varying levels of adversity present to all sectors including health, education, and social services.
Children of parents with a mental illness and other adversities are at a greater risk of experiencing a range of behavioural, educational, social, and developmental challenges, and are at higher risk of experiencing their own mental health difficulties themselves. Practitioners from all sectors who work with children, adults who are parents and families play a key role in supporting child and family resilience and child social and emotional wellbeing.
This interactive workshop will explore how relational approaches can support children and families across services and professions, as early as possible and in consideration of the child and family’s whole context.
Learning Outcomes
Workshop participants will:
- Discuss the impact of parental and family adversity on children's wellbeing and mental health.
- Explore the role of professionals in early intervention and supporting the families.
- Understand the effective engagement strategies in supporting families across sectors.
- Explore the role of an integrated “village” approach in strengthening child and family resilience.
- Highlight Emerging Minds practitioner and family resources.
Who this training is for: all practitioners in Health, Social Services, Education and NGOs who work with children, parents, and families.
Location: Hyatt Regency, 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth
Parking: The Hyatt provides paid parking
Refreshments: Light refreshments provided at the end of the event at 11.30am
Facilitated by: Julie Ngwabi and Ania Mazurkiewicz from Emerging Minds.
Emerging Minds - Advancing Australian children's mental health
Contact: for further information please contact Shendelle Oliver on 6246 3045 or soliver@waamh.org.au